The Collins dictionary defines “Academics” as things that relate to the work done in schools, colleges, and universities especially work which involves studying and reasoning and “fest” as a festival or gathering devoted to a particular activity or interest.Would be pretty boring if we combined the two, right? Well, this year prepare to see academics become fun from the 4th to 9thAugust when The Academic and Research Council of Grant Medical College present to you AUXESIS 2018, the Annual Academic Fest that aims to expand the scope of learning outside the lecture halls.
Auxesis provides a platform for medical students of undergraduate as well as postgraduate courses to interact with doctors like Dr. M. B. Agarwal, Dr. Harish Shetty, Dr. M. Lele, Dr. Suchitra Dalvie, Dr. Col. Anuj Chawla, Dr. Murad Lala and Dr. YuvrajBhosle who will be sharing their knowledge and experiences in their respective specialties during the CME lectures approved by the Maharashtra Medical Council. As for students looking to gain some practical skills, there are workshops ranging from history taking to ECG and radiology skills as well as basic skills like first aid and CPR. Keeping in mind the recent attacks on doctors, a special workshop for self-defense techniques by professional instructors has been organized to ensure the safety of our own brethren. On the other hand, for the undergraduate students who wish to showcase their academic talents to the world, there’s a plethora of intercollegiate events in which colleges from all over India will be represented. Research based events like case, paper and poster presentation are the individual events while teams of each college can participate in the Pharmacology quiz, Debate and Symposium competitions. Sherlock House is a brand new event that calls out to the inner Sherlock Holmes and House, M.D. inside every medical student who wishes to solve the murder mystery of a lifetime. For those that prefer a more behind the screens approach, the online events serve as the best escape to showcase your inner writer, photographer, comedian or even mnemonic maker to the world. Each event not only gives you a chance to win exciting prizes and vouchers but also ensures that you make your mark in the medical community. Delegates can attend the events and lectures and enjoy the most amazing part of the fest which provides them with a space to interact with doctors and other students and gain knowledge with loads of experiences that they will cherish for a lifetime.