Prayers and Witch-hunts – World Patient Safety Day
To fully exploit a people Make them God. You see, Gods serve. Gods don't have rights. Gods don't need. Gods don't complain. But you need Gods. So you create them. you take the most stoic of humans And you attribute heroic traits to them. you teach them to listen you teach them to heal you teach them to lessen pain, and to feel empathy, only empathy. you train your deities teach them sacrifice Brush aside anxieties After all, it isn't nice for a God to acknowledge their suffering and pain No, Gods serve. Gods don't have rights. Gods don't need. Gods don't complain.
And once you're done conditioning these Gods It's time for you to reap their reward.Without sleep or rest Without bias serve they will So, you bring them to the test And deliver to them evil. Neglect and assault Abuse and dearth you trip on the faults you dug up in the earth you bring to them pain and all that needs healing you go with hope lost and with overwhelming feeling. You pray for miracles you pray for respite you yearn to hear oracles Of futures well and bright. you wait as they set their rituals in motion scanning each threat gauging sans emotion.And when they have healed Your kith and kin and you And they have revealed their potential true' Tis their duty, you reckon to do all they can to apparate at a beckon That was the plan Right? To create a species that serves, sans incentive and so you have these slaves superlative. Sorry, Gods. Gods.
Allowed no mistakes No limitations forgiven Unmatchable the stakes And oh, they're driven They want to be divine Devoid of flaw To heal soul and spine and bring forth life in awe. But they need to survive and progress and sustain and sleep and eat and thrive and earn and to gain. But God forbid they ask,(despite all their training) for division of task as they see life draining out of bodies (their own) exhausted and their own psyches straining 'gainst getting numb and frosted. Oh God forbid, Because, you know, don't you? How you get rid of Gods with demands new? No? There's only the creation of a new slot So, demonization of them on the spot. Look at them walk quivering in shame as you give them a talk- reminding them again. Gods serve. Gods don't have rights. Gods don't need. Gods don't complain. And if that doesn't work And they fall from grace Godliness they shirk And wear a human face What do you do?You start a witch-hunt Burn them at stake, too Those selfish cunts Asking for a life Asking for livelihood Crying in strife And not for your good. Remind them of duty (To die and make live) Remind of the beauty To suffer and forgive! Seek solace in their tribe (May their tribe increase) Curse when they prescribe And kill them when you please. And when you're running out of Gods To injure maim and kill And you're running out of Gods To bend to your will- You will curse some more And tell the ones left To more and more endure That their natural state's bereft of food and sleep and laughter And you'll keep trying to break them in and after You will keep lying Saying they are Gods While you stab them with knives And hit them with rods Ending their lives. Maybe then their instinct Will remind them to flee To safer precincts Where they can be- human. So go on, break your deities Pray- may their tribe increase! Until there are no more species To do as you please. Go on, break your deities None of them, spare Maybe, apocalypse, after all Begins with a prayer.
- Dr. Shivangi Shankar
World Patient Safety Day is marked on the 17th of September since 2019. It aims at raising awareness reducing risk of avoidable harm and accidental injuries. It seeks to unite patients, care-givers, family, healthcare workers, policy makers and communities for this goal. In view of the the taxing healthcare demands during this pandemic, the theme for this year is:
Health Worker Safety: A Priority for Patient Safety
Safe health workers, Safe patients
Call for action:
Speak up for health worker safety!