The Unknown Realms of Motherhood
–Akanksha Mahajan
Final MBBS Student, GMC, Amritsar

After all those months, days and hours of pain,
She finally holds her darling divine close to her heart,
whispering, “none of it was in vain.”
But suddenly her hands quiver and her heart skips a beat,
Yet she tries her best to stay still and keeps holding onto her seat.
Her soul screams, “you’re not supposed to feel this way..”
She pretends to not hear hoping it will just go away,
Yet it keeps getting louder with each passing day.
Her messed up hormones keep messing up with her mind,
“It’s just a phase”, they said and she failed to find her way out of the bind.
While tossing and turning throughout all those sleepless nights,
Like a warrior, she keeps trying to fight all her frights,
But gradually, what used to be baby blues,
they turned into the darkest hues.
She kept struggling in silence and failed to reach out,
Because that’s obviously not what motherhood is supposed to be about.
If only someone had told her, if only she had known,
If only someone applauded her for the valour she had shown,
If only someone had held her hand taut in her hour of need,
We might have saved several precious lives indeed!