-Written by Dr. Ninada, Tutor, AJ Institute of Medical Sciences To play or not to play! The benefits of being...
-Written by Dr. Ninada, Tutor, AJ Institute of Medical Sciences To play or not to play! The benefits of being...
Wake up! Climate is calling! It is high time we wake up from our slumber, climate change is a reality and it needs to be addressed, NOW!
By- Anjali Mediboina, Fourth Year Student, ASRAM …for the world to be a better place, we all need to learn...
We live in a time where even misinformation looks so convincing that it needs to be studied to debunk it. Read about the challenges of health education in the age of WhatsApp
Wake up! Climate is calling! It is high time we wake up from our slumber, climate change is a reality and it needs to be addressed, NOW!
Wake up! Climate is calling! It is high time we wake up from our slumber, climate change is a reality and it needs to be addressed, NOW!
By- Dr Subramania Raju Rajasulochana Imagine the following scenarios: A clinic is about to expand this year. Should it conduct...
…here’s a memory aid-
FAST. F stands for Face
If the smile droops on a side
A for Arms that cannot rise
S for Speech incoherent/slurred
As soon as you grasp what has occurred
T is for Time, that you must save
Call an ambulance lest it gets more grave.
So remember, act F-A-S-T.
Etch this one in memory.
…here’s a memory aid-
FAST. F stands for Face
If the smile droops on a side
A for Arms that cannot rise
S for Speech incoherent/slurred
As soon as you grasp what has occurred
T is for Time, that you must save
Call an ambulance lest it gets more grave.
So remember, act F-A-S-T.
Etch this one in memory.