Dr. Komal Agarwal Dr. D.Y. Patil Dental College and Hospital, Pune Location- South Africa
Dr. Komal Agarwal Dr. D.Y. Patil Dental College and Hospital, Pune Location- South Africa
Through the lens of Dr Rasika Bandgar, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, Wales
Through the lens of Dr Anuj Doshi at Nubra Valley, Leh ,India
OUR TRYST WITH INDIA : A JOURNEY Through the lens of Dr Shreyas Chavan Dr VMGMC, Solapur.
” So ‘espresso’, such a ‘gelato’ Can’t ‘ruin’ this view I ‘cannoli’ so much love this ‘Rome-antic’ city.” Trevi Fountain,...
Gods own tranquility. Dr Kshitij Nair Psychiatry Resident,VMMC & SJH, Delhi.This panoramic shot was taken at Kannur Backwaters, Kerala.