I would like to thank the new team of Lexicon, especially our wonderful chief Sonali Mehta and my Assistant director for this edition Tuhina Mishra . Tuhina is an energetic young girl who helped me ring this edition before you on time. She has something to say here:
It was indeed a wonderful experience working under Susmita. She is fully equipped with all sorts of innovative ideas possible and of course Sonali always came to my rescue whenever I got stuck.
“Humans are the most intelligent species
We’re truly one of a kind.
We have a complex body
And a very fickle mind.
We ignore our gifts by God, nothing less than a crime.
Today, let’s learn about our senses, one at a time.
The first is the sense of vision
There’s also an avenger by that name.
You can waste the sense in watching Rohit Shetty movies
Who’ll be to blame?
Stop for a moment to appreciate nature
And view around you the beautiful scenes.
If you think ‘it’s so overrated’,
Ask a blind person what it means.
Gaze at the mountains, the sea, the faces, it doesn’t cost a dime.
Let’s learn about our senses, one at a time.
Madhusudan Foofa says ‘hain?’
So, let’s talk about our ability to hear.
The music, the laughter, a waterfall
Or just about any sound on this magnificent sphere
Thank this sense whenever you appreciate
Nirvana, Metallica or Arijit Singh
So try and avoid ArnabGoswami
For the fear of noise-induced loss of hearing.
Enjoy this sense before it starts to decline.
Let’s learn about our senses, one at a time.
Up next is a special one
It is mostly ignored, our ability to smell
Who did the unthinkable in the elevator
Our nose gives us the ability to tell
We can guess what’s for dinner
Even with blindfolds.
That’s the part of the flavour
The part of taste that smell holds.
On the first rain of a season, doesn’t the air feel divine?
Let’s learn about our senses, one at a time.
The next one is for all the foodies
Because good food makes us high
How many times has a dish made you go
‘jeelal chaaye, rahaana jaaye’.
Our ability to taste something delicious
Makes us feel grand.
So eat your heart out and complement the chef
Except the Sushi may be, it’s just so bland.
Our tongue guides us if we want a salty or a mixed ‘sweet lime’.
Let’s learn about our senses, one at a time.
The fifth sense we’ll talk about
Is our ability to feel a contact.
Be it the sensual touch of a lover
Or a creep standing next to you, shamelessness intact.
A baby smiles with a mother’s kiss
A mode of affection that no one can judge.
A face, a hand, a gift, a life
There’s so much on this earth that we can touch.
The touch can be a beautiful thing, or a debate based on society’s paradigm.
Let’s learn about our senses, one at a time.
There’s also a rumoured sixth sense
Mostly limited to Spider-Man
We Indians call it gut-feeling
Whenever we lack a real plan.
Let’s know and appreciate the real ones, while we’re still in our prime.
Today, let’s learn about our senses, one at a time.”
-Dr.Ankit Sharma, final year Post Graduate, UCMS, Delhi.