Love story of a medico

Yeah, theoretically, medical students love to dissect that dove,

That you eagerly drew on that card

for that person you love.

Just like you, medicos also have that feeling,

When they commence transitioning into an adult,

And find a pair of eyes or a smile very appealing.

The heart’s smitten, it’s time to join the Valentine cult.

In anticipation of a years-long battle of death and life,

They believe med-school will finally end their heart’s strife!

Some are consumed in search of their lobster

Unfortunately, they signed up for an eternal quest that too without any roster.

Because their love life too

turns out to be another contest,

Winning a heart becomes tougher than

cracking that ‘National Eligibility cum Entrance Test.’

First of all, with such limited options available

It becomes impossible to prove if your heart’s capable!

It isn’t just a fight to choose,

But maybe a battle to be chosen that you can’t afford to lose.

But even that continuous rejection

eventually leads you somewhere,

And you meet that second choice

and perhaps, that first soulmate there!

Some medicos are firm believers

in the ‘love at first sight’

Probably why they end up asking out

that Dissection Hall benchmate with all their might!

Imagine promising a “forever after” to that batchmate,

You must have known for a week or month and yet you call that fate!

You didn’t have your facemask on then

and yet they agreed for a date.

But please don’t call it their fault,

because a doctor’s destiny is to marry a doctor by default.

They promise to stand by each other

and face the oddly-termed ‘end-of-semester assessment’ assault.

That innocent first love and that wasted ‘first’ year,

And yet they held hands to overcome that ‘viva voce’ fear,

“I’ll manage Anat, but could you help me with Biochem, my dear?”

They held each other’s hands spending hours and hours trying to cram

Because it wasn’t just a final exam

Their connection was deep (and academic)

And not just “wham-bam-thank-you-sir/mam”.

It was a fiery ordeal, that they must pass,

To make sure their love continues to last!

Unfortunately, the exam’s results

Broke so many of them apart,

Failing an exam while your beloved did pass,

Won’t that break your heart?

But please don’t judge their innocent souls,

Their love can’t be fake,

They walk within fire while they juggle between career and relationship goals,

Because a medico’s life is definitely no piece of cake!!

By- Akanksha Mahajan,

3rd year MBBS, Government medical college, 


She is currently a 3rd year MBBS student from Government medical college, Amritsar, Punjab. She is also a passionate writer who believes that creativity is not about perfection but expression and we are all born creative and no matter what profession you join, you shouldn’t let go of that natural creative tendency because your creativity keeps reminding you constantly that you are alive even when you don’t feel so.

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