My journey in Lexicon: a world of opportunities

-Written by Rudrakshi Shetty, 5th year MBBS, Northern State Medical University

Medical students can often get entangled under the burden of our never ending curriculum. I, like many of you, was in  similar situation but still had this lingering interest of wanting to do a little bit more, contribute a little bit more. I just wasn’t sure of how and when I was going to do that. During one of my mindless social media scrolls, I stumbled upon Lexicon’s open call to join the team. I didn’t have much on my CV except for a few volunteering experiences, but I decided to go ahead with the application nonetheless, because that seemed like an opportunity I wouldn’t want to miss.

Upon receiving an mail after a week, I found out hat I was selected for an interview and that there were 96 applicants!!! My chances of getting selected seemed funny but I was optimistic, and long story short, I was a part of Lexicon’s Upload team! My work involved dealing with WordPress and for someone as technologically retarded as myself, it was tricky. It seemed like I could never end up figuring it out but with the help of my team, I got the knack of it and every edition went by much more efforlessly as compared to the previous one. I started contributing to the editions, was an assistant director for Edition 36 and overall, everything was going by smoothly. One fine day, the team was looking for someone to take care of communications altogether. It seemed like a responsibility I could take up and decided to volunteer, I ended up in the core team and that’s when I realized that the opportunities that I was looking for all this while in different organizations, I had them all right here, at Lexicon.

I decided to take up every opportunity I thought I could handle well and just give it my all. I started with managing Lexicon’s Research Workshop, moving on to being the Program Coordinator for Lexicon’s Summer Research Mentorship Program and finally being on he Organising Committee of Leximeet. I have had the opportunity to meet, work and network with the most amazing team, learn so much more, within and beyond medicine and have the guidance of the kindest mentors. Everyday when I wake up and see the Lexicon sticker on my mirror, I’m reminded that every opportunity that I had wished for is now true, owing to my amazing team of Lexicon!

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