It was 24th March,
When I first heard about the very existence of this deadly microbe.
Since I had just appeared for my exams I was super happy to know about college closures, because all I wanted was a break from the normal routine.
Little did I know that I would get such an infinitely long holiday while looking at the world go through a terrifying time.
The stay-at-home mandates imposed by the government made it feel as if the whole world has come to a standstill.
And with classes having suddenly gone online, the COVID 19 crisis presented an additional challenge of getting coursework done out of our usual live interactions.
But I suppose that the only stress of not being able to meet my friends anytime in the near future and listening to lectures comfortably at home with all the luxuries at hand is unsurpassable to what the workers at the frontline and the sufferers are facing right now.
With gas leaks, shocking tragedies, miserable stories of violence, a worldwide pandemic and potential demise of our economy we have all been surrounded by a heavy dose of bad news on a regular basis.
In a situation like this with no definite end in sight it is normal to feel sad, confused, worried and frustrated.
So training our mind and aiming at achieving success in this chaotic time will help us emerge out as better individuals.
All that is needed is a little self- discipline, optimism, a healthy lifestyle and above all the will to fight against all odds.
And I feel, I have learnt my first few lessons-from-the-lockdown-crisis already.

Redefine happiness
It has been a topsy turvy start to the third decade and I cannot see happy times anywhere near.
But how do you actually define happiness?
“I am happy that I’m home, that I’m healthy, my loved ones are with me, safe and sound and that I have TV, wifi and a phone!
If I still crave for more contentment in life I would be unfair to millions of people fighting a battle between life and death”

Stay optimistic and spread positivity
With most of the people around us talking of how the virus is adversely affecting major cities, businesses, economies, and the life count; staying resilient and optimistic can be a challenge.
It is fairly easy to be lost in all the negativity with all what is happening around so just pick up a new hobby or go back to an old one but learn to stay happy during this lockdown!

Too much of everything is harmful
While it is extremely important for us to know what is important to ensure protection from the virus, it is highly imperative for all of us to not fall trap to every news article or every new facet of the fast-spreading virus as it may harm our mental health.

Utilise the time you’ve found
For most of us, each day is a question of how to pass time effectively and not keep lying on the couch 24*7.
Since everybody’s at home now we have abundant time to work on everything we have neglected in the past due to lack of time.
As a student we can work on subjects we were weak at, join an online course to learn a new skill or another language maybe.

Be productive but don’t ignore pleasure
When I said work on what we neglected, I also meant we ourselves.
Be kind to yourself. Understand that this is a time of crisis, not a vacation.
It would be wonderful if we take time out to explore ourselves, relax, meditate or just keep staring at the ceiling dreaming and doing nothing!

Reconnect with your family
This is that time of life when nature has taken a long pause to reboot itself. Instead of wasting time fearing the inevitable, sit back and cherish this beautiful time with your loved ones.
Talk to a relative or a friend strengthening bonds for a lifetime.

Written By
Mehar Kaur Bhatia.