Celebrating Navratri, Medico Style: It’s the Timeless Teal
Day 8: Maa Mahagauri/Peacock Green
Written by Hitaishi Thakkar
On the 8th day of Navratri, devotees worship Mata Mahagauri, the eighth form of Hindi Goddess Maa Durga.
Maa Mahagauri is considered to be the most beautiful avatar of Navadurga and is known for prosperity, health, and wealth.Peacock green implies uniqueness and individuality. It is the colour of compassion and freshness.
A smitten of blue with a dash of green

Creates the perfect amalgamation
That’s our timeless teal!
Teal’s the deal for medical students
With the scrubs and logos
It’s our calm in the chaos
Brings us peace
Piece by piece it influences our lives
Uniform in the OT
And varicose veins outside
The frosty temperature causes blue green discolouration
Cyanotic patches always arise
The hospital brings us Pseudomonas
With the same shade
This bluish green tint on the agar plate
Resistant to all antimicrobials
However dangerous it maybe
To the doctor, teal always leads to glee

As it goes from the simplest prokaryote
To the largest mammal
All of them the same hue
Teal ribbon representative of ovarian cancer

Gives the strength to our survivors
Peacock green is the link
Between all medical professionals globally
Its the colour that breaks us
But also the one that ties us closer
It’s the shade that represents our fraternity
While giving us the strength and mentality